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Our Service Partners in Europe


VV-Management Limited
Sorvaajankatu 10
FIN - 20780 Kaarina

Phone: 00 35 - 84 05 00 47 45

E-Mail: villeviikari@gmail.com



Zone Industrielle BP 8
FR-10140 Vendeuvre

Phone: 00 33 - 3 25 41 09 32
Fax: 00 33 - 3 25 41 40 08

E-Mail: bonjour@videoclean.fr
Internet: www.videoclean.fr



Aleco S.r.l.
Via Candiani 27/a
IT-33170 Pordenone

Phone: 00 39 - 0434 29900
Fax: 00 39 - 0434 209 740

E-Mail: info@aleco.it
Internet: www.aleco.it



Geovision High Technologies SRL
Via Trebbia 43 / A
IT-23868 Valmadrera

Phone: 00 39 - 03 41 21 10 94
Fax: 00 39 - 03 41 21 91 27

E-Mail: info@geovision.it
Internet: www.geovision.it



KanRo Ltd Sp. z.o.o.
ul. Szosa Knyszynska 89
PL-15-690 Bialystok / Fasty

Phone: 00 48 - 8 57 49 51 55
Fax: 00 48 - 8 56 53 77 94

E-Mail: kanro@kanro.pl
Internet: www.kanro.pl



Conexbal Comunicaciones S.L.
Pol.Ind Mas de les Ànimes C/Apel les Mestres 36 - 38
ES-43206 REUS (Tarragona)

Phone: 00 34 - 977 328 105
Fax: 00 34 - 977 326 552

E-Mail: info@conexbal.com
Internet: www.conexbal.com



Bondya GmbH
Hauptstraße 5
CH-4455 Zunzgen

Phone: 00 41 - (61) 821 5005

E-Mail: office@bondya.ch
Internet: www.bondya.com


M&M Kanal-TV Technik GmbH
Industriestrasse 13
CH-6343 Rotkreuz

Phone: 00 41 - 790 37 10

E-Mail: service@m-mtechnik.ch
Internet: www.m-mtechnik.ch



Ritec GmbH

Ritec Rohr-Inspektionstechnik GmbH
Hoyen 22
D-87490 Haldenwang

Phone: 00 49 (0) 83 74 - 240 600
Fax: 00 49 (0) 83 74 - 240 60 60

E-Mail: info@ritec-tv.de
Internet: www.ritec-tv.de


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